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Superheated high temperature steam generator for cooked food sterilization

In the past many years, pasteurization was used for sterilization and preservation of cooked food. However, with the rapid development of science and technology, superheated high-temperature steam sterilization has gradually replaced traditional pasteurization. A good cooked food sterilization method, superheated steam can ensure the quality of cooked food, which is of great significance to prolong the shelf life. Next, the Newkman editor will study with you:
extended shelf life
The high-temperature steam produced by the superheated high-temperature steam generator can reach above 30°C, which can kill most bacteria. The colony index of cooked food sterilized by superheated steam is much lower than that of pasteurization. Superheated steam has a high temperature and strong penetrating power. The steam molecules can penetrate into the inside of cooked food to sterilize, which promotes more complete sterilization and prolongs the shelf life after freezing.
The color is more outstanding
Superheated steam sterilization can not only prolong the shelf life, but also make the food color more outstanding. On weekdays, the leftover dishes that everyone eats are kept in the refrigerator for refrigeration. When they are taken out, the color will appear dull and dull. However, after being sterilized by hot high-temperature steam, the color is still red and bright, and the taste is delicious.

High safety factor

Radiation sterilization is also one of the common sterilization methods. It uses damage and changes in molecular structure to inhibit or kill microorganisms. It is a destructive sterilization method and it is easy to retain radiation residues.

The safety factor of steam sterilization is quite high, and steam is formed by evaporating water. Steam sterilization will not change the molecular structure of food, nor will it produce pollution and residues. It is a very safe and healthy sterilization method.

 high temperature steam generator