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Q:What is the low water warning sign of a gas steam generator

What is the low water sign of the gas steam generator? After selecting the gas steam generator, many users start to instruct the workers to operate according to the steps. During the operation, they must operate according to the correct operation instructions, so that they can be To avoid risks, then in the process of application, will you know what is the sign of less water in the gas steam generator? Let’s find out together.
The built-in alarm signal of the steam generator will prompt when there is less water or is lower than the alarm line. The generated water flow rate is lower than the steam flow rate, which will cause the inside of the furnace to heat up and produce a burnt smell. This phenomenon is also the result of the steam generator. When the water shortage is serious, there will be a smell of paste around the steam generator. All of the above are related phenomena about what the water shortage sign of the gas steam generator is.
Of course, the phenomenon of water shortage must be dealt with as soon as possible. The specific methods include, according to the water level meter displayed by the alarm, and according to the means of suspending operation. Compared with the make-up water flow inside the steam generator, it is not necessary to increase the water in the steam generator.After the increase, it is running normally, check again whether there is a burnt smell inside the steam generator, and then take corresponding measures
From the above analysis, we can know what is the low water sign of the gas steam generator. According to the information reflected by the steam generator itself, we can understand the status phenomenon of the gas steam generator operation, and at the same time, we can also apply the corresponding corresponding indicators when the phenomenon occurs. Approach.