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Q:What is the difference between concrete steam curing and daily curing?

A:Concrete maintenance is very important. It is said to play a decisive role in the impermeability and crack resistance of concrete and the quality of hardened concrete. The mixing water of the concrete mixture cannot be lost after the concrete is compacted and formed. That’s what maintenance is for. In actual engineering, the quality of concrete construction and maintenance can be evaluated according to the water loss of concrete after dense molding and the thoroughness of the elimination of water loss defects, as well as the quality of hardened concrete and its impact on durability.

Daily concrete maintenance, temperature and humidity cannot be guaranteed, which often leads to cracking problems. After removing the surface covering or formwork of the concrete, measures such as watering or covering watering should be taken to wet the concrete, or when the concrete surface is in a wet state, the exposed surface concrete should be quickly covered or wrapped with geotextiles, and then plastic Cloth wrapped.
When winding, the windings should be intact, fully overlap each other, and have condensation on the inner surface. In areas where conditions permit, the wet curing time of concrete wrap should be extended as much as possible. In the later process of beam maintenance, if the temperature of the curing water poured on the concrete surface is lower than that of the concrete surface, the temperature difference between the two shall not exceed 15°C.
Steam curing is a scientific method of curing. The purpose of concrete curing steam generator curing is to keep the concrete saturated, or as saturated as possible, until the spaces in the fresh grout initially filled with water are filled to the desired extent by the products of cement hydration.
At the construction site, I heard some construction workers say that maintenance is to ensure that the cement has enough water for hydration. In summer, concrete dries and sets quickly. Concrete loses water the fastest and hardens quickly when exposed to sunlight. It’s easy. The proper time for plastering is missed, and the steam curing of concrete with steam generator can provide effective moisturizing maintenance and protect the maintenance of concrete!
