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Q: How does a steam generator regulate its own water supply?

Steam generators can actually be said to be relatively complex mechanical equipment. If you don’t understand this matter in this era, you will usually encounter some unexpected situations.

The steam generator self-water supply debugging method is: draw a red line 30 mm inside the water level meter, turn on the power cabinet, put the water pump switch in the manual position, wait until the water level is high, then put the pump switch in the automatic position, open the drain valve to drain, the water level When the water level is 30 mm below the level inside, the water pump automatically operates to supply water by itself. Close the drain valve, and if the water level is 30 mm greater than the water level, the pump will stop automatically; then place the water pump switch in the manual position, the water pump will start, and when the water reaches the water level, an alarm will be issued and the water pump will be turned off.


Stop operation when the water level is relatively low and then perform alarm debugging: the water level of self-supplied water should be 30 mm greater than the water level. Turn off the water pump, turn on the steam generator, put the electric heating pipe into operation, open the drain valve, and quickly reduce the water level to the lower level. water level, the steam generator automatically interrupts the main power supply and sounds an alarm. Close the drain valve, then put the pump switch to its own position, and automatically pump water to the inner water level so that the pump stops at 25 mm. When the pressure in the steam generator is greater than the limit value, the alarm light will light up, the controller power will be disconnected, and operation can be restarted after manual reset.

When the steam generator stops running due to overpressure, the alarm debugging in the diaphragm pressure gauge sets the pressure value greater than the upper limit of the pressure range to the set overpressure value. After the steam generator is turned on, when the steam pressure rises to the overpressure value, Stop the furnace and alarm, otherwise check the electrical control cabinet and diaphragm pressure gauge. According to the pressure range brought by steam consumption, set the upper and lower limits of the pressure on the self-water supply debugging pressure control to ensure that the steam generator can be automatically operated and stopped during operation.

These are the analyzes on self-water supply debugging during the use of steam generators. Hope it can help everyone.