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Q:How to install the display instrument of gas steam generator?

A:The gas steam generator provides a heat source for the processing, production and heating of enterprises by outputting high-temperature steam. But at the same time, don’t ignore the installation of the boiler and pay more attention to the piping equipment. This will not only affect the overall appearance of the boiler, but also have a great impact on the stable operation in the later stage. So, how to install the meter of the gas steam generator?
The deviation between the water level gauge and the normal water level line of the gas steam generator drum is between 2mm. The safe high water level, safe low water level and normal water level should be accurately marked. The water gauge should have a drain valve and a drain pipe connected to a safe place.

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The pressure gauge should be installed in a position that is convenient for observation and purging, and should be protected from high temperature, freezing and vibration. The gas steam generator pressure gauge should be equipped with a steam trap, and a cock should be installed between the pressure gauge and the steam trap to facilitate flushing of the pipeline and replacement of the pressure gauge. There should be a red line on the face of the dial marking the boiler working pressure.
After the hydrostatic test of the gas steam generator is completed, a safety valve should be installed, and the working pressure of the safety valve should be adjusted when the first fire occurs. The safety valve should be equipped with an exhaust pipe, which should lead to a safe place and have a sufficient cross-sectional area to ensure smooth exhaust. The bottom of the exhaust pipe of the safety valve should be provided with a drain pipe at a grounded safety position, and valves are not allowed to be installed on the exhaust pipe and drain pipe.
Each gas steam generator should be installed with an independent sewage pipe, and the number of elbows should be reduced as much as possible to ensure smooth sewage discharge, and it should be connected to an outdoor safe location. If several boilers share a blowdown pipe, appropriate safety measures must be taken. When using a pressure blowdown expansion tank, a safety valve should be installed on the blowdown tank.

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