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Q:How to adjust the automatic water supply function of the steam generator

Steam generators are now widely used, and it is a more important step to use automatic debugging water. The operation method is as follows:
1. Draw a red line 30 mm up and down in the center of the water level gauge, turn on the power of the electronic control cabinet, put the water pump switch in the manual position, when the water level reaches the high water level, put the water pump switch in the automatic position, open the drain valve to discharge water, the water level 30 mm below the middle water level (the bottom of the electrode rod of the normal water level start pump), the water pump starts automatically and fills up with water automatically.
2. Close the drain valve, when the water level reaches 30 mm above the middle water level (the lower electrode rod of the normal water level stops the pump), the pump will automatically stop; then put the pump switch in the manual position, start the pump, when the water level reaches a high level, an alarm will be issued, and the pump will be shut down.
3. Automatic shutdown and alarm debugging for extremely low water level: the water level for automatic water filling debugging should be 30mm above the middle water level, turn off the water pump, start the steam generator, put into electric heating operation, open the drain valve, and quickly drop the water level to the extremely low water level (extremely low water level) bottom of the low electrode rod), automatically cut off the main power supply (electric heating shutdown) and alarm.

the gas steam generator controller
4. Close the drain valve, then put the pump switch in the automatic position, and automatically discharge water to the middle water level of 25mm to stop the pump. When the pressure exceeds the limit value, the alarm light is on, the controller power is cut off, and the operation can be restarted after manual reset.
5. Automatically stop the overpressure of the steam generator, alarm debugging, set the upper limit of the overpressure to exceed the diaphragm pressure gauge, as the set overpressure value, after starting, when the steam pressure rises to the overpressure value, stop and alarm, otherwise, please Check the electric cabinet and diaphragm pressure gauge. According to the pressure range of steam consumption, set the pressure upper limit and pressure lower limit on the pressure control of automatic water supply adjustment, so that the steam generator can be automatically started and stopped during operation.

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