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500kg gas steam generator

The first thing that needs to be determined is what is the gas consumption of the steam generator? "Is the gas consumption of the steam generator large?" It refers to the sum of the water consumption and gas consumption from the beginning to the end of the work, that is, the water consumption and gas consumption produced by a steam generator per hour. That is, just keep the machine running. 1. Measure the quality of the steam generator by "low gas consumption" Since the prices of water and gas vary greatly, in order to reduce costs, steam generator manufacturers will control the amount of water and gas within a certain range when choosing what materials to use. But the size of this range can only explain whether the mechanical star is qualified to a certain extent. Because in actual use, it is difficult to accurately control the amount of water and gas, and there will often be waste to varying degrees. In order to reduce costs, some manufacturers enlarge the machine; some only increase air without increasing water, or even consume water without increasing air. This is also a normal phenomenon, because different manufacturers use different materials, processing techniques and production standards. What ultimately affects the use of the machine is the machine itself. In addition, due to the large price difference between fuel oil and gas, it is also feasible if the mechanical energy can control the fuel consumption within a certain range. 2 How to judge the gas consumption of the steam generator (1) First, the gas consumption of the boiler can be measured with a gas consumption tester. It is the most accurate to use an air consumption tester to detect air consumption, but it requires professional personnel and professional tools to operate. In daily use, boiler workers do not have professional detection capabilities, and can only judge through simple observation, that is, the gas stars consumed by the boiler. We can also make auxiliary judgments through gas stoves. (2) Secondly, the gas consumption of the boiler can be measured with a gas meter, but this method is not reliable, because there are many factors that affect the accuracy of the gas meter. For example: the user has performed multiple operations during use, which will affect the gas consumption displayed on the gas meter each time. (3) Finally, the gas consumption of the boiler can also be measured with the boiler pressure controller, which is also the most accurate method. Because it can not only detect the size of the gas consumption, but also predict whether the gas consumption will remain stable or rise or fall. Because of this feature, this method is also the most popular and trusted by users. If you also want to know more boiler knowledge, you can pay attention to the boiler network! 3. Will cooking too much food cause energy waste? "Overcooked" means that the amount of food cooked at a time is greater than the original volume of the food being cooked. That said, if you don't want to create too much steam during cooking, you should minimize the amount of steam you need to cook your food. If you're using a steamer as a secondary device and the amount of steam required to cook your food is small, you don't need a steamer. "Energy waste" refers to the use of non-compliant energy to heat the product during the production process, but the temperature required for production is not reached or the expected effect is not achieved. In fact, there are huge losses when converting thermal energy into mechanical energy. In addition to steam generators, there are other types of businesses that use substandard energy sources to heat the heat needed for the production process. For this problem, if you are not sure whether the expected effect has been achieved, you should check various parts of the machine (such as: burners) for air leakage.      

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