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NOBETH GH 48KW Double Tubes Fully Automatic Electric Steam Generator used in Brewing Industry

Wine brewing products can be divided into two categories: fermentation and distillation. Fermented wine is wine that can be consumed after slight processing after fermentation, such as red wine, rice wine, beer, etc.; distilled wine is obtained by distillation after fermentation is completed. Liquor mainly includes liquor, vodka, whiskey, etc. In the process of making sour wine, the most important step is distillation. The steamer barrel distillation should be done with slow steam distillation and high steam tailing. That is, through alcohol distillation, cold and heat are gradually exchanged, and vapor and liquid are exchanged, so that the alcohol vapor is concentrated, and the alcohol content of the distillate decreases from high to low. Usually, the steam should be used slowly at the beginning of distillation. When the alcohol content of the distillate is low, the steam valve should be opened wide and the steam will catch up. In this process, the use of a brewing steam generator can accurately control the steam outlet star, thereby controlling the quality of the wine. How to make wine with steam generator Today's brewing workshops mainly brew grain wine, sorghum wine, sorghum grain wine, etc. In the past, when there was no brewing steam generator, brewing required firewood to control the temperature. Firewood is difficult to control the temperature. Sometimes the fire is too hot and the temperature is high. Sometimes the fire is too small and the temperature is not enough, so the quality of the brewed wine is uneven. The steam generator can adjust the power in multiple gears to accurately control the brewing temperature, so that the quality of the brewed wine is highly uniform. We all know that the wine-making process is cumbersome. In the process of distilling wine, a suitable and easy-to-use wine-making steam generator is essential. After all, the quality of the steam supplied will directly affect the quality and degree of the wine. First, the steam is introduced from the bottom of the sour wine pot, and is supplemented by a layer of lees. The steam penetrates the lees and enters the condenser from the pipe at the top of the brewing pot. The steam is cooled by circulating cooling water in the condenser and becomes liquid. The wine then flows into the wine vessel. This is the process of using a brewing steam generator to make wine. Using a brewing steam generator to make wine is much simpler than the traditional brewing industry. Which energy source steam generator can save money when making wine? There are many energy forms for steam generators. Electric heating, gas, fuel oil, and biomass pellets are the most widely used, and they also have different advantages in saving money: 1. The electric heating steam generator has a simple structure and strong controllability. It does not require excessive maintenance and repair costs, and the equipment purchase cost is low, but the energy consumption is relatively high. 2. Gas-fired steam generators are currently recognized as energy-saving products, but the equipment structure is complex and the purchase cost is high. 3. The fuel steam generator is similar to the gas steam generator, except that it has a wider range of uses and is not subject to geographical restrictions. 4. The biomass steam generator has a low degree of automation and cheap fuel. It can be regarded as a money-saving steam equipment, but it is difficult to meet pollution emission standards and is not suitable for urban areas with strict environmental protection requirements. If the electricity bill in the area where the steam generator is used is relatively low, if the electricity is between 3 and 5 cents per kilowatt hour, the transformer load is sufficient, and there are even discounts on off-peak electricity, then the electric steam generator will save money at this time. In summary, which type of energy-based steam generator saves money cannot be generalized and needs to be based on reality. How to choose a steam generator for brewing When selecting a steam generator, we first need to determine the amount of steam used before we can choose a boiler with corresponding power. There are generally the following methods for calculating steam usage: 1. Calculate the steam usage according to the Chuanran formula. Use the heat transfer formula to calculate steam usage by analyzing the heat output of the equipment to estimate the amount of steam used. This method is relatively complex, and the results obtained will have certain errors due to the uncertainty of some factors. 2. Direct measurement based on steam usage. Equipment can be tested using a flow meter. 3. Use the rated thermal power provided by the equipment manufacturer. Equipment manufacturers generally list the standard rated thermal power on the equipment nameplate. The rated thermal power is usually marked with K/W to indicate the heat output, and the rated thermal power is marked with kg/h to indicate that the steam consumption depends on the steam pressure used. When selecting a steam generator for brewing liquid fermentation, the amount of wine distilled per hour is equal to the evaporation capacity of the machine. Solid state fermentation is roughly as follows: 150 to 30 kilograms of grain need to be steamed at one time - the configuration is 150 to 300 kg model, 600 to 750 kilograms of grain need to be cooked at one time - the configuration is 600 kg model, the configuration summarizes the kilograms of grain Slightly higher than the machine model, 200 kg of grain is equipped with the 150 model, and 400 kg of grain is equipped with the 300 model. The steam generator replaces the traditional boiler. The Nobeth steam generator is an energy-saving, environmentally friendly and inspection-free fully automatic steam generator. It produces steam in 3-5 minutes to ensure steam quality. Automatic control does not require labor. It is safe, fast and multi-purpose. It is high quality and low price. . One-click start, low energy consumption, worthy of purchase by many merchants and manufacturers.

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