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What is the difference in operating costs between a one-ton conventional gas boiler and a gas steam generator?

The main differences are in startup preheating speed, daily energy consumption, pipeline heat loss, labor costs, etc.:

First, let’s talk about the difference in start-up preheating speed. A traditional gas boiler takes about 30 minutes to start up and preheats, consuming about 42.5 cubic meters of natural gas, while a fully premixed condensing through-flow steam generator can produce steam in 1 minute. , there is basically no loss. According to the natural gas market price of 4 yuan / cubic meter, it costs 170 yuan more to start a traditional gas boiler each time. If it is started once a day, it will cost an extra 42,500 yuan to work normally for 250 days a year.

The second thermal efficiency is different. A traditional gas boiler consumes 85 cubic meters of gas per hour in normal operation, while a fully premixed condensing gas steam generator only requires 75 cubic meters of gas. Calculated based on eight hours a day, one cubic meter of gas is 4 yuan, and a traditional gas boiler requires 2720 yuan. Yuan, a fully premixed condensing gas-fired steam generator only costs 2,400 yuan, which costs an extra 320 yuan per day, and an extra 80,000 yuan for normal operation of 250 days a year.


The third pipe heat loss is that traditional gas boilers can only be installed in the boiler room. There will be a long transmission pipe to the gas point. Calculated based on a 100m pipe, the heat loss is 3% per hour; 20.4 cubic meters of natural gas is lost in 8 hours a day. The fully premixed condensing gas steam generator can be installed nearby with no pipeline loss. According to 4 yuan per cubic meter of gas, a traditional gas boiler will cost 81.6 yuan more per day, which means it will cost 20,400 yuan more to operate normally for 250 days a year.
Fourth labor and annual inspection fee: Traditional gas boilers require full-time certified boiler workers, at least one person, based on a monthly salary of 5,000, which is 60,000 a year. There is also an annual boiler inspection fee of 10,000 yuan, which adds up to 70,000 yuan. , while the fully premixed condensing gas-fired steam generator does not require manual supervision and is exempt from safety inspections, saving this part of the cost.

To sum up, traditional gas boilers cost about 210,000 yuan more per year than fully premixed condensing gas steam generators.