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The steam generator industry has set off a green revolution. Low-nitrogen and ultra-low-nitrogen steam generators lead the new trend of environmental protection!

1. Green revolution in steam industry
The steam generator is an environmental protection product, which does not discharge waste gas, slag and waste water during operation. It is also called an environmental protection boiler. Despite this, large gas-fired steam generators will still emit nitrogen oxides during operation. In order to minimize industrial pollution, the state has issued strict emission indicators for nitrogen oxides, calling on all sectors of society to replace environmentally friendly boilers. On the other hand, the strict environmental protection policy has also encouraged the steam generator manufacturers to make continuous technological innovation. The traditional coal boiler has gradually withdrawn from the historical stage, and the new electric heating steam generator, low nitrogen steam generator and ultra-low nitrogen steam generator have become the main force of the steam generator industry.

2. Working principle of low nitrogen steam generator
Low-nitrogen combustion steam generator refers to the steam generator with low NOx emission during fuel combustion. NOx emission of traditional natural gas steam generator is 120~150mg/m ³ And the NOx emission of low nitrogen steam generator is usually 30~80 mg/m ³ About. NOx emission at 30 mg/m ³ The following is usually called ultra-low nitrogen steam generator. In fact, the low nitrogen transformation of boiler is the flue gas recirculation technology, which is a technology to reduce nitrogen oxides by reintroducing part of boiler flue gas into the furnace and burning it with natural gas and air. By using the flue gas recirculation technology, the combustion temperature in the core area of the boiler is reduced, and the excess air coefficient remains unchanged. Under the condition that the boiler efficiency is not reduced, the generation of nitrogen oxides is inhibited, and the purpose of reducing the emission of nitrogen oxides is achieved.

3. Common traps of low nitrogen steam generator
In order to test whether the nitrogen oxidation emissions of low nitrogen steam generators can meet the emission standards, we conducted emission monitoring on the low nitrogen steam generators on the market, and found that many manufacturers are selling ordinary steam equipment under the slogan of low nitrogen steam generators and cheating consumers by low prices. It is understood that the normal low-nitrogen steam generator manufacturers and burners are all imported from abroad, and the cost of a single burner is tens of thousands of dollars, reminding consumers not to be tempted by low prices when purchasing! In addition, check the NOx emission data.

4. Regulation monitoring data of ultra-low nitrogen steam generator
The on-site adjustment monitoring data of nobeth ultra-low nitrogen steam generator shows that the nitrogen oxidation emission is 9mg per cubic meter, which meets your standard for ultra-low nitrogen steam generation.

nobeth ultra-low nitrogen steam generator is a technical engineer of nobeth who has spent several years to develop it. In addition to sufficient steam output, the core technologies such as 2-ton inspection-free and ultra-low nitrogen have been far ahead of other steam generator manufacturers. Once launched, the product was strongly favored by the market, and customers all over the country sent purchase orders. At present, several ultra-low nitrogen 2-ton inspection-free steam generators are sent to various places every day.