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The production of sweet and delicious chocolate is also inseparable from the role of the steam generator

Chocolate is a sweet food made from cocoa powder. Not only the taste is delicate and sweet, but also the aroma is strong. Delicious chocolate is pretty much everyone’s go-to dessert, so here’s a look at how it’s made.
The cocoa beans are fermented, dried and roasted before being processed into cocoa liquor, cocoa butter and cocoa powder, resulting in a rich and aromatic taste. This natural mellow taste constitutes chocolate. Freshly collected cocoa beans need to be fermented in constant temperature containers to produce chocolate aroma. Fermentation lasts about 3-9 days, during which the cocoa beans slowly turn dark brown.
Then dry in the sun. Fermented cocoa beans still contain a lot of water. For storage and transportation, excess water must be removed from cocoa beans. This process also takes 3-9 days, and unqualified cocoa beans must be screened out after drying. Cocoa bean drying steam generator has more advantages than traditional drying method of roasting or coal oven drying. The cocoa beans are dried in a drying room equipped with a Nobeth drying steam generator, and the appropriate temperature is adjusted so that the cocoa beans are heated evenly. The Nobeth cocoa bean drying steam generator works continuously to generate enough gas to avoid the problem of insufficient heat supply from the heat source and substandard drying. And the steam is pure, and the cocoa beans can also be dried to the standard.
Then it is sent to the chocolate processing factory. The chocolate sent to the processing factory is first baked, and it is baked at high temperature for 2 hours. After this process, the cocoa beans can exude an attractive aroma of chocolate.

Fermented cFermented cocoa beansocoa beans