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Steam generator steam volume calculation method

The working principle of a steam generator is basically the same as that of a steam boiler. Because the amount of water in steam generating equipment is relatively small, it does not fall within the scope of safety technical supervision regulations for steam generating equipment, nor does it belong to special equipment. But it is still steam-generating equipment and is a small steam-generating equipment exempt from inspection. The sewage discharge of steam generating equipment is divided into regular sewage discharge and continuous sewage discharge.
Regular blowdown can remove slag and sediment from the water of steam generating equipment. Continuous water release can reduce the salt content and silicon content of the water in the steam generating equipment.


There are generally two ways to calculate steam for a steam generator. One is to directly calculate the amount of steam generated by the steam generator per hour, and the other is to calculate the amount of fuel consumed by the steam generator to generate steam per hour.

1. The amount of steam generated by a steam generator per hour is generally calculated in t/h or kg/h. For example, a 1t steam generator generates 1t or 1000kg of steam per hour. You can also use 1t/h or 1000kg/h to describe this unit. Steam generator size.

2. When using fuel consumption to calculate steam generator steam, it is necessary to distinguish between electric steam generators, gas steam generators, fuel steam generators, etc. Let’s take a 1t steam generator as an example. For example, a 1t electric steam generator consumes 720kw per hour. Therefore, 720kw electric steam generator is also used to describe a 1t electric steam generator. Another example is that a 1t gas steam generator consumes 700kw per hour. of natural gas.

The above is the calculation method of steam generator steam. You can choose according to your own habits.

It is necessary to strictly control the salt content of the water in the steam generating equipment, and pay attention to controlling the dissolved salt and water-saturated steam in the steam, so as to obtain the clean steam required for the operation of the steam generating equipment.  Debugging is relatively simple, and fully automatic control operations without manual control are fully realized. However, gas steam generation equipment has a high degree of automation control and requires supervision to prevent accidents.


Steam generator cost saving: In order to reduce the water carried by saturated steam, good steam-water separation conditions should be established and a complete steam-water separation device should be used. In order to reduce the dissolved salt in the steam, the alkalinity of the water in the steam generating equipment can be appropriately controlled and a steam cleaning device can be used. In order to reduce the salt content of water in steam generating equipment, measures such as improving water supply quality, sewage discharge from steam generating equipment, and staged steam can be taken.