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Steam generator municipal engineering provides overall solutions

1. Steam generators are used for municipal engineering maintenance

In order to standardize the use of prefabricated products in municipal engineering, various units have introduced advanced steam curing technology to make the production method of prefabricated products safe, economical and practical. The constant temperature and humidity steam generated by the steam generator is used for curing the preforms, which can improve the quality of the products while ensuring efficient production.

2. Road engineering steam maintenance

curb pavement maintenance

Common concrete pre-products in road construction include curbstones and pavement bricks. Pavement bricks play the role of bearing and transmitting ground loads in the paving structure, and are an important part of the entire paving structure.

In order to achieve load-bearing strength, municipal engineering enterprises generally use constant temperature and humidity steam generated by steam generators to steam-cure concrete brick surfaces. In addition to improving the load-bearing performance of concrete pavement bricks, steam curing can also greatly improve the strength of curbs and pavement bricks. , texture, wear resistance, but also can play a color-fixing role to prevent the colored surface from peeling off, fading or premature wear.

3. Steam maintenance of embankment engineering

Concrete prefabricated products are required for protective railings and slope protection products in river embankment projects. These prefabricated products are directly exposed to the atmospheric environment and are easily affected by rain, ultraviolet rays and acidic substances in the air. Therefore, the quality of the protective railing directly affects safety.

In order to improve the quality of concrete protective railings, strengthen the hardness and corrosion resistance of protective railings, municipal engineering enterprises use constant temperature and humidity steam generated by steam generators to improve the quality of protective railings and slope protection products, and to improve the resistance of protective railings and slope protection products. Pressure resistance, flexural resistance, durability, fatigue resistance and other characteristics.

4. Drainage engineering steam curing

In daily life, it is not difficult to see concrete drainage pipes of various diameters and sizes placed along the road, and their main functions are for rainwater, urban sewage and farmland irrigation. During the construction of the drainage pipe, the safety, applicability, and durability of the drainage pipe should also be considered.

In the prefabrication stage of the drainage project, in addition to considering the stability of the main structure, other factors such as temperature and load must also be considered. Municipal engineering generally uses the steam curing mode to steam the prefabricated model at a constant temperature and humidity, which can avoid sticky skin on the surface of the drainage pipe , pitting, honeycomb, hollowing, cracks and other problems, improve the safety and durability of drainage pipes, and ensure the construction quality.