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Steam generator maintenance skills (1)

Features of the steam generator
1. The steam generator has stable combustion;
2. Can obtain higher working temperature under lower operating pressure;
3. The heating temperature is stable, can be adjusted accurately, and the thermal efficiency is high;
4. The steam generator operation control and safety detection devices are complete.
Installation and commissioning of steam generator
1. Check whether the water and air pipes are well sealed.
2. Check whether the electrical wiring, especially the connecting wire on the heating pipe is connected and in good contact.
3. Check whether the water pump works normally.
4. When heating for the first time, observe the sensitivity of the pressure controller (within the control range) and whether the reading of the pressure gauge is accurate (whether the pointer is zero).
5. Must be grounded for protection.

dissolve battery raw material
Steam Generator Maintenance
1. During each trial period, check whether the water inlet valve is turned on, and dry burning is strictly prohibited!
2. Drain the sewage after each (day) use (you must leave the pressure of 1-2kg/c㎡ and then open the sewage valve to completely discharge the dirt in the boiler).
3. It is recommended to open all valves and turn off the power after each blowdown is completed.
4. Add descaling agent and neutralizer once a month (according to the instructions).
5. Regularly check the circuit and replace the aging circuit and electrical appliances.
6. Regularly open the heating tube to thoroughly clean the scale in the primary generator furnace.
7. The annual inspection of the steam generator should be carried out every year (send to the local boiler inspection institute), and the safety valve and pressure gauge must be calibrated.
Precautions for using steam generator
1. The sewage must be discharged in time, otherwise the gas production effect and machine life will be affected.
2. It is strictly forbidden to fasten parts when there is steam pressure, so as not to cause damage.
3. It is strictly forbidden to close the outlet valve and shut down the machine for cooling when there is air pressure.
4. Please bump the glass liquid level tube in a hurry. If the glass tube is broken during use, immediately turn off the power supply and water inlet pipe, try to reduce the pressure to 0 and replace the liquid level tube after draining the water.
5. It is strictly forbidden to work under the state of full water (seriously exceeding the maximum water level of the water level gauge).

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