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Q: Is an electric steam generator a boiler or a pressure vessel?


As a recently popular new environmentally friendly heat energy conversion equipment, electric heating steam generators have successfully replaced traditional coal-fired and oil-fired boilers. As the industry expands, many people may have this question: Are electrically heated steam generators classified as pressure vessels?

The electric heating steam generator uses electricity as energy, converts electric energy into thermal energy through electric heating pipes, uses organic heat carrier heat conduction as the heat transfer medium, circulates the heat carrier through a heat pump, and transfers heat to heating equipment. The electric heating steam generator meets the requirements of set process temperature and high-precision temperature control through the upgrade of the control system.

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Pressure vessels meet the following conditions at the same time:

1. Maximum working pressure ≥0.1MPa (excluding hydrostatic pressure, the same below);
2. Inner diameter (non-He-shaped cross-section refers to its maximum size) ≥ 0.15m, and volume ≥ 0.25m³;
3. The contained medium is gas, liquefied gas or liquid with a maximum working temperature higher than or equal to the standard boiling point.

Electric heating steam generators belong to the category of organic heat carrier furnaces under the special general equipment catalog and should be inspected in accordance with the safety technical inspection regulations for organic heat carrier furnaces. The rated power of the electric heating steam generator is ≥0.1MW. The electric heating steam generator belongs to the category of organic carrier boilers and is a special boiler. For details, please refer to TSG0001-2012 Boiler Safety Technical Supervision Regulations.

Those with an electric power load <100KW do not need to go through the installation filing procedures; those with an electric power load >100KW need to go to the local boiler inspection office of the applicable housing to go through the installation filing procedures. If the electric heating steam generator meets the requirements of organic heat carrier boiler, it needs to meet the following conditions of use:

1. It belongs to the scope of special equipment management, but does not belong to pressure vessels. It is a specialized pressure-bearing boiler;
2. Before new installation, modification or maintenance, notification of installation, maintenance and modification must be made to the Quality Supervision Bureau and registration procedures must be completed;
3. The supporting steam generator pipelines and steam pipelines with a diameter of DN>25 or above also need to be registered as pipelines;
4. Welding seams are subject to non-destructive testing by the Pot Inspection Institute.
Therefore, the electric heating steam generator is not a pressure vessel. Although in principle the boiler should be a type of pressure vessel, the regulations divide it into one category, two categories of equipment on the same level as the pressure vessel.

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