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Q:How to calculate the operating cost of a 2-ton gas steam generator


Everyone is familiar with steam boilers, but the steam generators that have recently appeared in the boiler industry may not be familiar to many people. As soon as he appeared, he became the new favorite of steam users. What are his strengths? What I want to introduce to you today is how much money a steam generator can save compared to a traditional steam boiler. do you know?
Next, we will compare the operating costs for you based on the actual situation of 2-ton gas steam generator users.
2 ton steam generator PK 2 ton steam boiler:
1. Air consumption comparison:
The 2-ton gas steam boiler is equipped with a waste heat economizer as standard. The normal exhaust temperature is 120~150℃, the boiler thermal efficiency is 92%, the calorific value of natural gas is calculated as 8500kcal/nm3, the consumption of 1 ton of steam gas is 76.6nm3/h, based on the daily output of 20 tons of steam gas, it is 3.5 yuan/nm3 calculate:
20T×76.6Nm3/h×3.5 yuan/nm3=5362 yuan
The normal exhaust temperature of a 2-ton steam generator is within 70°C, and the thermal efficiency is 98%. The steam consumption of 1 ton is 72nm3/h.
20T×72Nm3/h×3.5 yuan/nm3=5040 yuan
A 2-ton steam generator can save about 322 yuan per day!
2. Start-up energy consumption comparison:
The water capacity of a 2-ton steam boiler is 5 tons, and it takes more than 30 minutes for the burner to ignite until the boiler supplies steam normally. The hourly gas consumption of a 2-ton steam boiler is 153nm3/h. From start-up to normal steam supply, approximately 76.6nm3 of natural gas will be consumed. Boiler daily start-up energy consumption cost:
76.6Nm3×3.5 yuan/nm3×0.5=134 yuan.
The water capacity of the 2-ton steam generator is only 28L, and it can supply steam normally within 2-3 minutes after starting. During startup, only 7.5nm3 of gas is consumed per day:
7.5Nm3×3.5 yuan/nm3=26 yuan
The steam generator can save about 108 yuan per day!
3. Comparison of pollution losses:
The water capacity of a 2-ton horizontal steam boiler is 5 tons. three times a day. It is calculated that approximately 1 ton of soda-water mixture is emitted every day. Daily waste heat loss:
(1000×80) kcal: 8500kcal×3.5 yuan/nm3=33 yuan.
Wastewater is about 1 ton, about 8 yuan
For the steam generator, only 28L of water needs to be discharged once a day, and about 28kg of soda and water mixture is required. Annual waste heat loss:
(28×80) kcal- 8500kcal×3.5 yuan/nm3=0.9 yuan.
A 2-ton steam generator can save about 170 yuan per day.
If calculated based on 300 days of production time per year, more than 140,000 yuan can be saved per year.
4. Comparison of personnel expenses:
National regulations require the use of conventional steam boilers. Typically 2-3 licensed furnace workers are required. The monthly salary is 3,000 yuan per person, and the monthly salary is 6,000-9,000 yuan. Its cost is 72,000-108,000 yuan per year.
2 ton coil direct steam power generation does not require a licensed furnace worker. Since the generator does not require a special boiler room, it can be installed directly next to the steam-using equipment, and only a steam equipment operator is required to manage the steam generator.Operators can appropriately increase part of the subsidy, calculated at 1,000 yuan/month
A 2-ton steam generator can save 60,000-96,000 yuan a year. Compared with a 2-ton steam boiler, a 2-ton steam generator can save 200,000 to 240,000 yuan per year! !
If it is a company with 24-hour continuous production, the cost savings will be even more substantial! !

2-ton gas steam generator2-ton gas steam generator