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Q:How to judge the steam quality?Why steam generators produce high-quality steam

A:The saturated steam produced by the steam boiler has excellent characteristics and availability, and the steam produced by the steam boiler will pass through the steam-water separator to separate the steam and water. So how do we judge the steam quality of the steam boiler?
The reasons for full steam getting wet are:

1. Foam with water droplets in steam
2. The steam supply cannot meet the demand, resulting in the sharing of soda and water
3. Heat loss during steam transportation
4. The actual working pressure of the steam boiler is lower than the maximum working pressure specified by the manufacturer
The causes of superheated steam becoming wet are:
1. Foam with water droplets in steam
2. Soda sharing caused by unsatisfactory steam supply
3. The actual working pressure of the boiler is lower than the maximum working pressure specified by the manufacturer

high-quality steam
The water in the saturated steam and superheated steam of the steam boiler is useless. The water in saturated steam only absorbs the heat that was originally used to heat it to its saturation temperature, but the steam surrounding the steam boiler prevents it from releasing this heat. However, the water in the superheated steam absorbs heat to reach full temperature, and the surrounding steam makes it impossible to lower the temperature and release this heat. The steam separator is designed to solve this problem. It can separate water vapor and obtain high-quality steam.
At the same time, steam equipment and industrial production provide steam heat source. Why is the steam quality of modular steam generators generally high? Here we need to distinguish concepts. The so-called steam quality emphasizes the purity of the steam and how much impurities it contains.
The disadvantages of modular steam generators can also be said to be advantages. It must be equipped with pure water equipment and reverse osmosis water treatment to eliminate calcium and magnesium ions in the water from the root. It is no longer a simple traditional boiler soft water treatment. The water quality of the modular steam generator requires that the electrical conductivity is far less than 16%, and the coil-type water-saving atomization is in a continuous heating state. Pure water vapor is heated more evenly and fully, and has higher thermal efficiency. The generated steam has low water content and high steam quality and quality.
The solute dissolved in the solution has different solubility at different temperatures and pressures, while the amount of impurities dissolved in the vapor is related to the type of substance and the magnitude of the vapor pressure. Since the steam boiler adopts inner tank type water storage heating, it does not have high requirements on water quality and has certain scale inhibition ability. The ability of steam to dissolve salts increases with pressure; steam selectively dissolves salts, especially silicic acid; superheated steam can also dissolve salts. Therefore, the higher the boiler pressure, the lower the salt and silicon content in the boiler water is required.
Steam boilers and modular steam generators have different structures, different thermal efficiencies, and different requirements for water quality, which affect the difference in steam quality and quality. On the whole, modular steam generators, fully intelligent technology innovation and upgrade, will have more advantages in terms of steam quality and quality.

Foam with water droplets in steam