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How Steam Generators Can Solve Pharmaceutical Challenges

The reason why the pharmaceutical industry is a refined industry is that pharmaceuticals need to process raw materials. In the process of processing, they need to be combined with the special properties of raw materials for cooking, purification, etc., which require special instruments and equipment to control the temperature. And time, after many investigations, many pharmaceutical factories have begun to use steam generators to assist drug manufacturing.
The efficacy of the medicine is closely related to the cooking time. During the cooking process, the medicine has a strict time limit. If the cooking time is too long, it is likely to emit harmful gas and cause harm to the human body. Some medicines are heated To a certain extent, it will also interact with certain ingredients in other medicines and affect the efficacy of the medicine. Therefore, a steam generator with perfect temperature control and time control system is needed, which can operate safely without personnel guarding. And can control the temperature and time, so that many unsolvable pharmaceutical problems can be solved.

the safety precautions
High-temperature steam has a strong sterilization ability and can be used for the disinfection of pharmaceutical equipment and systems. In addition, daily medical equipment in hospitals requires high-temperature steam disinfection. The use of steam for disinfection has good effects and high efficiency. Steam generators play an important role in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. It plays an indispensable role and is widely used. Nobles steam generator has small size, high efficiency, ultra-low hydrogen, high-temperature steam can be produced within 1-3 minutes after start-up, and the noise is extremely small.
pure steam
Pure steam is prepared by distillation. The condensate must meet the requirements of water for injection. Pure steam is prepared from raw water. The raw water used has been treated and at least meets the requirements of drinking water. Many companies will use purified water or water for injection to prepare pure steam. Pure steam does not contain volatile additives, so it will not be contaminated by amines or elbow impurities, which is extremely important to prevent contamination of injectable products.
Steam Sterilization Applications
High-temperature steam sterilization is a sterilization method that can kill all microorganisms including spores, and is the best sterilization effect.
In the pharmaceutical industry, the high-temperature steam generated by the steam generator is often used to sterilize the production equipment and the production environment, to prevent bacteria and other pollutants from affecting the drug, and to avoid bacterial contamination of the active ingredients in the drug, which will cause the quality of the drug to decline or even the drug to be destroyed. scrapped.
Purification and extraction of steam
Steam generators play a role in the production of many pharmaceutical compounds. For example, there will be compounds in the raw materials of biopharmaceuticals. When we only need to purify one of them to make drugs, we can use pure steam generators to assist them according to their boiling points. Purification of compounds can also be carried out by distillation, extraction and generation of formulas.

pure steam