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Energy saving measures for gas steam generators

Gas-fired steam generators use gas as fuel, and the content of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and smoke emitted is relatively small, which is necessary to alleviate the impact of haze. The “coal-to-gas” projects carried out in various places have gained It has been promoted on a large scale and has also prompted steam generator manufacturers in various regions to rush to promote energy-saving gas steam generators. Steam generators are used as the main equipment for heat energy supply. Its environmental protection and energy-saving effects thus affect energy consumption. For users, It is also directly related to economic benefits. So how does a gas steam generator save energy and protect the environment? How should users judge whether it is energy-saving? Let’s take a look.


Energy saving measures

1. Recycling of condensate water
Gas boilers produce steam, and most of the condensate water they produce after passing through the heat production equipment is directly discharged as waste water. There is no recycling of the condensate water. If it is recycled, it will not only save energy and water and electricity bills, but also reduce oil and gas consumption. quantity.

2. Transform the boiler control system
Industrial boilers can properly adjust the boiler’s auxiliary blower and induced draft fan, and use frequency conversion technology to change the frequency of the power supply to adjust the air volume and reduce energy costs, because the operating parameters of the auxiliary drum and induced draft fan are closely related to the thermal efficiency and consumption of the boiler. There can be a direct relationship. You can also add an economizer to the boiler flue to reduce the exhaust gas temperature, which can greatly improve thermal efficiency and save fan power consumption.

3. Effectively insulate the boiler insulation system
Many gas boilers only use simple insulation, and some even have steam pipes and heat-consuming equipment outside. This will cause a large amount of heat energy to be dissipated during the boiling process. If the gas boiler body, steam pipes and heat-consuming equipment are effectively insulated, Insulation can improve thermal insulation and energy saving.


Judgment method

For energy-saving gas-fired steam generators, the fuel burns very fully in the furnace body and the combustion efficiency is high. Under the same conditions with some parameters, when the same amount of water is heated to a certain temperature, the amount of fuel selected by a steam generator with high combustion efficiency is much lower than that of a low-efficiency gas steam generator, which reduces the cost of purchasing fuel. The environmental protection and energy saving effect is remarkable.

For energy-saving gas steam generators, the temperature of the flue gas after fuel combustion should not be too high when it is discharged. If the temperature is too high, it means that the heat released does not exist in all the water supplied to the steam generator, and this heat is treated as waste gas. discharged into the air. At the same time, if the temperature is too high, the thermal efficiency of the steam generator will decrease, and the environmental protection and energy saving effect will decrease.

The development of the contemporary era, the rise of all walks of life, the massive expansion of industries and the significant improvement of people’s quality of life have prompted an increasing demand for energy and heat energy, and energy issues have become a topic of concern to all walks of life. We must learn to judge environmentally friendly and energy-saving steam generators and choose energy-saving gas steam generators.