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5 items to check after steam generator installation

Steam boilers are key heat source equipment that require heat source supply and heat supply users. Steam boiler installation is a relatively complex and critical project, and every link in it will have a certain impact on users. After all the boilers are installed, the boilers and supporting equipment should be carefully inspected and accepted one by one to make them meet the requirements for start-up and operation.
A careful inspection must include the following items:
1. Inspection of the boiler: whether the internal parts of the drum are properly installed, and whether there are tools or impurities left in the furnace. Manholes and handholes should only be closed after inspection.
2 Inspection outside the pot: focus on checking whether there is accumulation or blockage in the furnace body and flue, whether the inner wall of the furnace body is intact, whether there are cracks, convex bricks, or falling off.
3. Check the grate: the focus is to check the necessary gap between the movable part and the fixed part of the grate, check whether the operating handle of the movable grate can be pushed and pulled freely, and whether it can reach the specified position.
4. Fan inspection: For the inspection of the fan, first move the coupling or the transmission V-belt by hand to check whether there are any abnormal problems such as friction, collision, and adhesion between the moving and static parts. The opening and closing of the fan inlet adjustment plate should be flexible and tight. Check the direction of the fan, and the impeller runs smoothly without friction or collision.
5. Other inspections:
Check the various pipes and valves of the water supply system (including water treatment, boiler feed pump).
Check every pipe and valve in your sewage system.
Check the pipelines, valves and insulation layers of the steam supply system.
Check whether the dust outlet of the dust collector is closed.
Check the electrical control instruments and protective devices in the operating room.
Detailed inspection and acceptance in many aspects is not only the evaluation of the installation project, but also an important guarantee for the safe operation of the steam boiler in the later stage, which is very important.